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Bhagwad Gita (English) | Chapter 16 | Verse 14

Chapter 16, Verse 14

The Divine and Demoniac Natures

"I have slain that enemy, and I shall slay others too. I am the Lord; I enjoy, I am perfect, powerful, and happy."


असौ मया हतः शत्रुर्हनिष्ये चापरानपि।ईश्वरोऽहमहं भोगी सिद्धोऽहं बलवान्सुखी।।16.14।।

asau mayā hataḥ śhatrur haniṣhye chāparān api
īśhvaro ’ham ahaṁ bhogī siddho ’haṁ balavān sukhī

Meaning of each word

asau — that;
mayā —
by me;
hataḥ —
has been destroyed;
śhatruḥ —
haniṣhye —
I shall destroy;
cha —
aparān —
api —
īśhvaraḥ —
aham —
aham —
bhogī —
the enjoyer;
siddhaḥ —
aham —
bala-vān —
sukhī —


This verse talks about a person who is filled with arrogance and a desire for power. They believe that they have defeated their enemies and plan to defeat even more in the future. It's like someone who feels strong just because they have beaten others, thinking that makes them superior.

When they say, "I am the Lord," they are expressing their belief that they are in control of everything. They see themselves as the highest authority, meaning they think nobody can challenge them or question their decisions. This attitude shows a lack of respect for others and the world around them.

The phrase "I enjoy" indicates that this person gets pleasure from their power and the feeling of being on top. They don't just think they are successful; they truly believe they are the best and that everything they do is right. They feel like they have no flaws and that they are living a perfect life. This kind of thinking can lead to a big misunderstanding of reality because it shows they can't see their own weaknesses or the fact that there are others who are also important in this world.

Ultimately, this verse points to how such people are trapped in their own minds. They have a false sense of greatness and invincibility, which keeps them from understanding the truth about themselves and the universe. They ignore the idea that there’s a higher power or a greater order to life, and this ignorance separates them from true wisdom and spiritual growth.

Other Verses of Chapter 16
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