ahankāraṁ balaṁ darpaṁ kāmaṁ krodhaṁ cha sanśhritāḥ
mām ātma-para-deheṣhu pradviṣhanto ’bhyasūyakāḥ
ahankāram — egotism;
balam — strength;
darpam — arrogance;
kāmam — desire;
krodham — anger;
cha — and;
sanśhritāḥ — covered by;
mām — me;
ātma-para-deheṣhu — within one’s own and bodies of others;
pradviṣhantaḥ — abuse;
abhyasūyakāḥ — the demoniac
This verse talks about how some people, referred to here as 'demons', develop a negative mindset due to a false sense of themselves. They think their own ego or self-importance is real strength, but in truth, it is just an illusion. These people are marked by strong feelings of pride, desire for things, and anger.
When it says they are 'bewildered', it means they are confused and misled. Instead of recognizing that there is a higher power or God in the world and in everyone, they end up feeling jealous or envious of Him and the beliefs surrounding Him. Their view is that they are the most important and powerful, so they reject the teachings of the scriptures that guide people towards understanding God.
This behavior is often driven by their desire for wealth and success. Because they have acquired a certain degree of power or wealth, they start to think they don't need to follow any rules or accept any higher authority. They believe they can make their own choices, thinking that their actions will have no serious consequences.
However, this mindset is harmful. They are not only hurting others through their actions, but they are also damaging themselves. Being envious and arrogant closes their minds, leading them to criticize and reject the true teachings that could help them. They often come up with false ideas to deny God's existence, presenting arguments that lack understanding of the bigger picture.
In summary, the demoniac personality is one that gets trapped in a cycle of jealousy and pride, feeling the need to overpower anything that threatens their comforts or desires. They create plans to eliminate anyone they see as a threat, all while failing to see that true strength comes from understanding one's position in relation to others and to a higher power.