na jāyate mriyate vā kadāchin
nāyaṁ bhūtvā bhavitā vā na bhūyaḥ
ajo nityaḥ śhāśhvato ’yaṁ purāṇo
na hanyate hanyamāne śharīre
na jāyate — is not born;
mriyate — dies;
vā — or;
kadāchit — at any time;
na — not;
ayam — this;
bhūtvā — having once existed;
bhavitā — will be;
vā — or;
na — not;
bhūyaḥ — further;
ajaḥ — unborn;
nityaḥ — eternal;
śhāśhvataḥ — immortal;
ayam — this;
purāṇaḥ — the ancient;
na hanyate — is not destroyed;
hanyamāne — is destroyed;
śharīre — when the body
This verse is saying something very important about the soul. To put it simply, it explains that the soul is different from our physical body.
1. **No Birth or Death for the Soul:** The verse starts by telling us that the soul does not actually get born or die. When we see a person being born, we think that's the start of their life. But what it truly means is that their physical body is being formed. The soul, however, always exists—it doesn't come into being like our bodies do. Similarly, when a person dies, it's not the soul that dies. The body may stop functioning, but the soul continues to exist.
2. **Eternal Nature of the Soul:** It describes the soul as 'eternal,' which means it always has been and always will be. Think of the soul as something that is like an energy or essence within us. While our bodies might change over time from being babies to old adults, that inner essence doesn’t age or change.
3. **No Changes Like the Body:** The body goes through many changes. It grows, gets sick, ages, and eventually dies. But the soul doesn’t go through any of those changes. It’s referred to as 'unchanging' or 'steady.' Just like a tree stays the same despite the seasons changing around it, the soul remains untouched by the ups and downs of life.
4. **The Body vs. Soul Connection:** The body and the soul are connected, but they are not the same. The existence of the soul allows the body to come into being. When we talk about a 'newborn baby,' we're really talking about the body, while the soul is what gives it life. The body can grow and produce children, but those children have their own individual souls. The soul doesn’t have 'children' or 'by-products'; it just exists.
5. **Continuous Existence:** The verse tells us that even old people feel the same inner spirit they had when they were young. So, while the outside might change quickly due to aging, their essence—the soul—remains the same.
6. **Presence of Consciousness:** When we say the soul is full of knowledge and consciousness, we are pointing to the awareness that exists in all living beings, whether they are human or animal. Even if we cannot see the soul itself, we can feel its presence by the awareness around us. Similar to how we can tell the sun is shining even if the clouds hide it.
7. **Differences Between Souls and the Supreme Being:** While every individual has their own soul, the soul of God (the Supreme) has a much broader knowledge—everything from the past to the future. We might forget things or lose awareness, but the Supreme consciousness is never forgetful or limited.
8. **Importance of Understanding the Soul:** Realizing the nature of our soul can help us understand life better. Just as we can learn about why we exist and what happens after we die. If we understand that the soul is eternal and distinct from the material body, we can approach life with a different perspective, one that values the eternal over the temporary.
This knowledge encourages us to live our lives in a way that respects our inner spirit and helps us understand the bigger picture of existence.