bhogaiśwvarya-prasaktānāṁ tayāpahṛita-chetasām
vyavasāyātmikā buddhiḥ samādhau na vidhīyate
bhoga — gratification;
aiśhwarya — luxury;
prasaktānām — whose minds are deeply attached;
tayā — by that;
apahṛita-chetasām — bewildered in intellect;
vyavasāya-ātmikā — resolute;
buddhiḥ — intellect;
samādhau — fulfilment;
na — never;
vidhīyate — occurs
This verse talks about how being overly attached to physical pleasures and material wealth can cloud a person's judgment and focus. Let's break it down further.
When it mentions 'those who are too attached to sense enjoyment,' it refers to people who constantly seek pleasure from things like good food, luxurious clothes, fancy cars, or expensive gadgets. These things can bring temporary happiness but can also make a person lose sight of what really matters in life.
The term 'material opulence' means having a lot of wealth or possessions. So someone who is always trying to grab more money or things might find themselves stuck, unable to think clearly about what is truly important—like spiritual fulfillment or the well-being of others.
Now, 'bewildered by such things' means that when you're so focused on these pleasures and the desire to have more, it can confuse you. You might forget about deeper values, like kindness, love, and devotion. Instead of having a clear path or goal in life—what the verse calls 'resolute determination'—you end up distracted and constantly chasing after things that are just temporary.
Samadhi, in this context, refers to a state where the mind is fully focused and calm. But the verse tells us that if a person's mind is filled with thoughts of material things, achieving this state of focus won't happen. It is as if all those distractions act like chains, holding back a person from reaching their true potential or understanding their own self.
In essence, if you find yourself wrapped up in chasing after material things or fleeting pleasures, you might miss out on the chance to connect with something greater than yourself, which is often described as spiritual devotion or understanding.
To summarize, this verse teaches us that to gain insight and reach a higher understanding of life, we need to shift our focus from the temporary pleasures of the material world and start thinking about deeper, more meaningful things. Only then can we gain clarity and truly experience a sense of peace and purpose.