prasāde sarva-duḥkhānāṁ hānir asyopajāyate
prasanna-chetaso hyāśhu buddhiḥ paryavatiṣhṭhate
prasāde — by divine grace;
sarva — all;
duḥkhānām — of sorrows;
hāniḥ — destruction;
asya — his;
upajāyate — comes;
prasanna-chetasaḥ — with a tranquil mind;
hi — indeed;
āśhu — soon;
buddhiḥ — intellect;
paryavatiṣhṭhate — becomes firmly established
In this verse, Krishna is telling us that when a person is deeply connected to their spiritual self, or what we might call their true essence, they will not be affected by the usual troubles of life. These troubles come in three forms: those we face from our own bodies and minds, those caused by other people, and those brought by nature, like bad weather or disasters.
When someone really understands and lives in this spiritual awareness, they become much less bothered by these difficulties. It's like they've found a safe place within themselves that makes them strong and calm. For example, if a person is deeply focused on their spiritual practices or beliefs, they might find that even if they’re experiencing physical pain, a difficult relationship, or a tough situation in life, they don’t feel as upset or shaken as they normally would.
Instead, their mind and senses feel peaceful, and they stop being pulled back and forth by wanting more pleasures or worrying about losses. They understand that these ups and downs are part of life and do not define their happiness. When someone is in this state of genuine happiness, their thinking becomes clearer and steadier.
This means they stop reacting impulsively or emotionally to what is happening around them. Instead of getting upset when things go wrong or overly excited when things go right, they stay balanced and calm. Their mind is in a peaceful place, allowing them to make wise decisions and see things more clearly.
Krishna highlights that this kind of stability in thinking leads to true happiness and peace. When we connect to our spiritual side, we discover that we are more than just our struggles or successes in the material world. We find a deeper sense of joy that isn’t affected by temporary situations. So, this verse teaches us that by focusing on our spiritual nature—meditating, being kind, and understanding our connection with the Divine—we can rise above the normal pains of life. We become steady, wise, and truly happy, unaffected by the grind of everyday difficulties.