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Bhagwad Gita (English) | Chapter 4 | Verse 24

Chapter 4, Verse 24

Transcendental Knowledge

A person who is fully absorbed in Krsna consciousness is sure to attain the spiritual kingdom because of his full contribution to spiritual activities, in which the consummation is absolute and that which is offered is of the same spiritual nature.


ब्रह्मार्पणं ब्रह्महविर्ब्रह्माग्नौ ब्रह्मणा हुतम्।
ब्रह्मैव तेन गन्तव्यं ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधिना।।4.24।।

brahmārpaṇaṁ brahma havir brahmāgnau brahmaṇā hutam
brahmaiva tena gantavyaṁ brahma-karma-samādhinā

Meaning of each word

brahma — Brahman;
arpaṇam —
the ladle and other offerings;
brahma —
haviḥ —
the oblation;
brahma —
agnau —
in the sacrificial fire;
brahmaṇā —
by that person;
hutam —
brahma —
eva —
tena —
by that;
gantavyam —
to be attained;
brahma —
karma —
samādhinā —
those completely absorbed in God-consciousness


This verse talks about how being deeply involved in Krsna consciousness can lead someone to spiritual fulfillment. Let’s break down the meaning step-by-step to make it easier to understand.

First, let's talk about Krsna consciousness. This term refers to a state of awareness and devotion focused on Krsna, who is considered a representation of the divine or God in Hindu belief. When someone practices Krsna consciousness, they dedicate their thoughts, actions, and everything they do towards understanding and connecting with this spiritual aspect.

Now, think about it this way: Imagine someone is feeling unwell because they are consuming too much of something that isn't good for them, like junk food. Just like someone might turn to wholesome food to feel better and regain their health, a person caught in a materialistic way of living can also heal themselves by turning their focus towards something positive and spiritual, like Krsna consciousness.

In Krsna consciousness, not only do you participate in worship or rituals, but you also engage in your daily life in a way that honors Krsna. This can mean doing your work with a sense of dedication, sharing love and kindness with others, and making decisions that reflect spiritual values. When you align your actions with this spiritual focus, you begin to change the energy around you, making it more uplifting and positive.

The verse emphasizes that everything related to this practice—who you are, what you offer, the action of offering, the enjoyment of what is offered, and the results of those actions—are all connected to the spiritual truth. This connection transforms ordinary activities into something much more profound and meaningful. It’s like when you put love and care into cooking a meal; the meal becomes not just food but an expression of your love.

The term Brahman in the verse refers to the highest spiritual reality. It means that when you engage in actions with the right intention and connection to the divine, all those actions become sacred and part of the greater spiritual truth. When everyday actions are done with the conscience of serving God, they become a part of that divine essence.

When we normally think of the material world, it may seem heavy and full of challenges. However, Krsna consciousness helps to clear that heaviness or illusion (known as maya) and leads you back to understanding your true self, which is connected to everything divine. When someone is in this spiritual state, they are said to be in samadhi, which is a meditative state of deep concentration and connection to the divine.

Ultimately, when someone is fully absorbed in Krsna consciousness, their positive intentions and actions will not only impact their life but also connect them to higher spiritual realms. This verse reassures that anyone deeply involved in these practices can hope for a fulfilling, spiritual future.

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