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Bhagwad Gita (English) | Chapter 7 | Verse 29

Chapter 7, Verse 29

Knowledge of the Absolute

Intelligent persons who are endeavoring for liberation from old age and death take refuge in Me in devotional service. They are actually Brahman because they entirely know everything about transcendental and fruitive activities.


जरामरणमोक्षाय मामाश्रित्य यतन्ति ये।
ते ब्रह्म तद्विदुः कृत्स्नमध्यात्मं कर्म चाखिलम्।।7.29।।

jarā-maraṇa-mokṣhāya mām āśhritya yatanti ye
te brahma tadviduḥ kṛitsnam adhyātmaṁ karma chākhilam

Meaning of each word

jarā — from old age;
maraṇa —
and death;
mokṣhāya —
for liberation;
mām —
āśhritya —
take shelter in;
yatanti —
ye —
te —
brahma —
tat —
viduḥ —
kṛitsnam —
adhyātmam —
the individual self;
karma —
karmic action;
cha —
akhilam —


In this verse, Lord Krishna is talking about the path to true understanding and liberation from the struggles of life, like aging and dying. It suggests that smart individuals, those who really want to be free from these hardships, turn to Him for spiritual guidance and support through devotion.

Now, let’s break this down further. First, the verse mentions ‘old age and death,’ which everyone will face at some point. These are part of life that can be scary and painful. However, Lord Krishna reminds us that our true self, our spiritual self, is different from our physical body. While our body gets old and eventually dies, our spiritual essence is eternal and cannot be harmed by these physical changes.

When the verse talks about taking ‘refuge’ in the Lord, it means that when people devote themselves to God and seek a not just a relationship with Him but also guidance in life, they can find peace and freedom from their worries about bodily limitations. This devotion involves connecting on a deeper level, where one feels a oneness with the divine.

The verse also refers to people as ‘Brahman,’ which means they have realized their true nature. It’s like waking up from a dream and understanding that you are not just your physical part, but something much greater and eternal. Knowing this helps people to live a life free from fear and anxiety, as they understand the temporary nature of life’s challenges.

Essentially, Krishna is saying that those who engage in devotional activities and seek knowledge about their spiritual identity go beyond the struggles of life. They understand the difference between the material (physical) world and the spiritual world, and this knowledge is key to living a fulfilling life. Such individuals, who work towards both spiritual understanding and engage in good actions, are truly wise and connected with the ultimate reality.

In simpler terms, if you want to be free from the worries of life, focus on building a connection with God through love and service. This way, you can find peace, understanding, and a sense of belonging that goes beyond just your physical existence.

Other Verses of Chapter 7
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