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Bhagwad Gita (English) | Chapter 17 | Verse 27

Chapter 17, Verse 27

The Divisions of Faith

Steadfastness in sacrifice, austerity, and gift is also called 'Sat', and action in connection with these, or for the sake of the Supreme, is also called 'Sat'.


यज्ञे तपसि दाने च स्थितिः सदिति चोच्यते।कर्म चैव तदर्थीयं सदित्येवाभिधीयते।।17.27।।

yajñe tapasi dāne cha sthitiḥ sad iti chochyate
karma chaiva tad-arthīyaṁ sad ity evābhidhīyate

Meaning of each word

yajñe — in sacrifice;
tapasi —
in penance;
dāne —
in charity;
cha —
sthitiḥ —
established in steadiness;
sat —
the syllable Sat;
iti —
cha —
uchyate —
is pronounced;
karma —
cha —
eva —
tat-arthīyam —
for such purposes;
sat —
the syllable Sat;
iti —
eva —
abhidhīyate —
is described


This verse talks about the idea of 'Sat', which means something true, pure, or good. When we use 'Sat' in this context, it refers to being steady and dedicated in doing good things, like sacrifices, penances (which means self-discipline or giving something up for a good cause), and acts of charity (helping others or giving to those in need).

Imagine you are committed to regularly donating to a charity. This act of charity is not just a one-time thing; it's like a promise or a habit you keep. When you give regularly and sincerely, focusing on helping others, you are embodying 'Sat' because you're acting with dedication and purpose.

Similarly, when we perform any kind of sacrifice or prayer (which can be seen as an offering to something greater than ourselves) with a steady heart and for the benefit of others or in honor of a higher power, that action also earns the label 'Sat.' It shows a commitment to something beyond just ourselves, pointing towards deeper values and meanings in life, which makes it true or auspicious.

This verse teaches us not just to do good things but to do them with a steady heart, being committed to our actions, and always keeping in mind the bigger picture—serving the Supreme or something larger than our individual selves. It's about ensuring that our actions are grounded in goodness and done with the right intentions.

Other Verses of Chapter 17
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