rajas tamaśh chābhibhūya sattvaṁ bhavati bhārata
rajaḥ sattvaṁ tamaśh chaiva tamaḥ sattvaṁ rajas tathā
rajaḥ — mode of passion;
tamaḥ — mode of ignorance;
cha — and;
abhibhūya — prevails;
sattvam — mode of goodness;
bhavati — becomes;
bhārata — Arjun, the son of Bharat;
rajaḥ — mode of passion;
sattvam — mode of goodness;
tamaḥ — mode of ignorance;
cha — and;
eva — indeed;
tamaḥ — mode of ignorance;
sattvam — mode of goodness;
rajaḥ — mode of passion;
tathā — also
In this verse, we're looking at how three different qualities or 'modes' can influence our behaviors and choices. These modes are goodness, passion, and ignorance. Think of them as three different layers of influence in our lives, each one competing to be the strongest at any given time.
1. **Mode of Goodness**: This is the quality that helps us connect with knowledge, calmness, and ethical behavior. When this mode is strong, it helps us make wise decisions and act in ways that are beneficial to ourselves and others. For example, when you feel peaceful and want to help someone without expecting anything in return, that's the mode of goodness guiding you.
2. **Mode of Passion**: This mode brings about desires, excitement, and a drive for achievement. When this is the strongest mode, it can push goodness aside. You might find yourself chasing after success, recognition, or material things. For instance, if you're consumed by wanting to win a competition or gain fame, you are mostly influenced by this mode.
3. **Mode of Ignorance**: This is the mode that leads to confusion, laziness, and sometimes harmful behaviors. It can take over when one is feeling sleepy or not actively thinking about their actions, leading to decisions that are not wise or beneficial. For example, if someone chooses to avoid taking care of their responsibilities and instead spends the day in bed, that's the mode of ignorance influencing them.
The verse explains that these modes are constantly at battle with one another in our lives. Sometimes one mode will be stronger and influence our actions, pushing the others to the background. You can see this in everyday life; some days you might feel energized and ambitious (mode of passion), other days you may feel peaceful and helpful (mode of goodness), and on some days, you might just want to relax and do nothing (mode of ignorance).
For anyone who wants to grow spiritually or in their awareness of themselves, the key is to recognize which mode is playing a big role at any given moment. By understanding this, you can work on nurturing the mode of goodness. This can be done through practices that promote positivity, knowledge, and self-control, like meditation, healthy eating, or volunteering.
While each mode has a role, striving to go beyond them means aiming for a state called 'pure goodness' or achieving a deeper understanding of oneself and life. In this state, you align yourself more closely with higher values and virtues, which ultimately connects you to the divine principles described in spiritual teachings.
So, in essence, this verse encourages us to be aware of these influences in our lives and seek to rise above them, especially the lower ones, to live a more fulfilled and meaningful life.