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Bhagwad Gita (English) | Chapter 14 | Verse 15

Chapter 14, Verse 15

The Three Modes of Material Nature

When someone dies while influenced by passion, they are reborn among those who are focused on achieving results from their actions. On the other hand, if someone dies under the influence of ignorance, they are reborn in the form of animals.


रजसि प्रलयं गत्वा कर्मसङ्गिषु जायते।तथा प्रलीनस्तमसि मूढयोनिषु जायते।।14.15।।

rajasi pralayaṁ gatvā karma-saṅgiṣhu jāyate
tathā pralīnas tamasi mūḍha-yoniṣhu jāyate

Meaning of each word

rajasi — in the mode of passion;
pralayam —
gatvā —
karma-saṅgiṣhu —
among people driven by work;
jāyate —
are born;
tathā —
pralīnaḥ —
tamasi —
in the mode of ignorance;
mūḍha-yoniṣhu —
in the animal kingdom;
jāyate —
takes birth


Many people think that once a soul becomes human, it can never go back to a lower life form. However, this idea isn’t true according to this verse. It teaches us that if a person lives their life driven by passion, they will have a specific kind of rebirth. Passion refers to a strong desire for achieving things, often leading to actions that are more about seeking rewards or results, like wanting a promotion or winning a game. If someone focuses only on these kinds of activities and dies in this state of mind, they will come back as a person who is also very focused on active work and results but might not learn the deeper lessons of life.

Now, if someone leads their life in ignorance, which means they lack awareness and understanding, they could end up being reborn as an animal. This is a serious idea because it suggests that if we don’t seek knowledge or act wisely, we could regress in our spiritual journey. For instance, someone who spends their life indulging in mindless activities or harmful habits without any thought for deeper meaning or consequence might find themselves in this predicament.

The key takeaway here is that we should strive to elevate ourselves. This means we should try to embrace the mode of goodness, which involves kindness, wisdom, and taking thoughtful actions that contribute positively to ourselves and others. To achieve this, being in good company—surrounding ourselves with wise and caring people—helps us rise above these lower modes of nature. It’s about making conscious choices that lift our spirit and bring us closer to what is truly important in life, which many believe is realizing one’s connection to a higher truth or consciousness, often depicted as Krsna consciousness.

In essence, the verse warns us that there’s no guarantee we will stay in the human category just because we are human now. If we are careless about our actions and choices, we could find ourselves taking a step back instead of moving forward. Therefore, making choices that align with goodness is vital for our spiritual progress and securing our future state of existence.

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