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Bhagwad Gita (English) | Chapter 14 | Verse 14

Chapter 14, Verse 14

The Three Modes of Material Nature

When one dies in the mode of goodness, he attains to the pure higher planets.


यदा सत्त्वे प्रवृद्धे तु प्रलयं याति देहभृत्।तदोत्तमविदां लोकानमलान्प्रतिपद्यते।।14.14।।

yadā sattve pravṛiddhe tu pralayaṁ yāti deha-bhṛit
tadottama-vidāṁ lokān amalān pratipadyate

Meaning of each word

yadā — when;
sattve —
in the mode of goodness;
pravṛiddhe —
when premodinates;
tu —
pralayam —
yāti —
deha-bhṛit —
the embodied;
tadā —
uttama-vidām —
of the learned;
lokān —
amalān —
pratipadyate —


This verse talks about what happens to a person when they die and are in the mode of goodness. The 'mode of goodness' refers to a state of being where a person is kind, wise, and acts with purity. Think of it as a mindset where you are doing good things, being helpful, and living a life that is true and honest.

When someone dies while in this good state, they do not just disappear or get lost. Instead, they go to what the verse calls 'pure higher planets.' These are special places, like Brahmaloka or Janaloka, where wise people, saints, and those devoted to a good life exist. Life in these pure places is full of happiness and joy, free from the struggles and negative feelings that we face in our everyday lives.

The word 'amalan' is very important here. It means free from dirt or impurities. In a material world filled with emotional ups and downs, the mode of goodness is seen as the cleanest, most peaceful way of living. This verse reassures us that even though the world may seem complicated and messy, living a life based on goodness helps us rise above it.

Different people go to different places after they die, depending on how they lived. Those who lived in goodness—doing good deeds and being positive—are rewarded with a place among wise and dedicated beings. So, when you think about how you treat others and the choices you make, remember that acting from goodness not only brings happiness here but also paves the way for a beautiful journey after life.

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