prakṛiter guṇa-sammūḍhāḥ sajjante guṇa-karmasu
tān akṛitsna-vido mandān kṛitsna-vin na vichālayet
prakṛiteḥ — of material nature;
guṇa — by the modes of material nature;
sammūḍhāḥ — deluded;
sajjante — become attached;
guṇa-karmasu — to results of actions;
tān — those;
akṛitsna-vidaḥ — persons without knowledge;
mandān — the ignorant;
kṛitsna-vit — persons with knowledge;
na vichālayet — should not unsettle
In this verse, we learn about the differences between those who are aware of their deeper self and those who are not. Many people in the world are confused or 'bewildered' because they are caught up in their physical existence. This means they focus a lot on their bodies, social status, jobs, and possessions. They think these things define who they are, and they attach a lot of importance to them.
For instance, people might say, "I am a doctor" or "I am a mother," and they tie their identity to these roles. This is what the verse calls being 'ignorant' or 'mandan', which can be understood as being lazy to realize a bigger truth about themselves.
When someone is overly focused on their physical identity, they ignore their soul or spirit. They may see relationships with family and friends as the most important things in life. They might worship their homeland, think that where they live is everything, and spend time on rituals, treating them as goals instead of what they are supposed to represent.
People caught in these thoughts often engage in activities like social work or volunteer efforts, thinking these actions are what give their life meaning. Although these are positive activities, if they are done without understanding the bigger picture of life and spirituality, they are still considered as acting from a place of ignorance. They remain preoccupied with things that may not lead to true happiness or understanding of their higher self.
The message here is not to rush in and change the mindset of these people. Instead, those who understand the deeper truths of life – the 'wise' individuals – should practice patience. They should focus on their spiritual growth without trying to disturb or upset those who do not yet see things as they do. In a way, it’s about letting those who are invested in material concerns continue their ways without judgment, while also focusing on one’s own path toward deeper understanding.
In summary, this verse encourages us to recognize the limitations of being so attached to material identities and activities. It reminds us that while it is important to act and be involved in the world, true wisdom lies in understanding our deeper connection to our spirit and not getting rid of those who are still learning.