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Bhagwad Gita (English) | Chapter 3 | Verse 32

Chapter 3, Verse 32


But those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and do not practice them regularly, are to be considered bereft of all knowledge, befooled, and doomed to ignorance and bondage.


ये त्वेतदभ्यसूयन्तो नानुतिष्ठन्ति मे मतम्।
सर्वज्ञानविमूढांस्तान्विद्धि नष्टानचेतसः।।3.32।।

ye tvetad abhyasūyanto nānutiṣhṭhanti me matam
sarva-jñāna-vimūḍhāns tān viddhi naṣhṭān achetasaḥ

Meaning of each word

ye — those;
tu —
etat —
abhyasūyantaḥ —
na —
anutiṣhṭhanti —
me —
matam —
sarva-jñāna —
in all types of knowledge;
vimūḍhān —
tān —
they are;
viddhi —
naṣhṭān —
achetasaḥ —
devoid of discrimination


In this verse, Lord Krishna is pointing out an important issue. He is talking about people who, because of jealousy or envy, ignore his teachings. These teachings are meant to guide us on how to live our lives better. When someone deliberately turns away from this guidance, they are missing out on a lot.

Think about it this way: if you have a teacher or mentor who gives you advice on how to succeed, and you decide to ignore that advice out of spite or jealousy, you're limiting your own chances for success. You might think you know better, but in reality, you are closing the door to valuable information that could help you in life.

Krishna makes it clear that people who disregard his teachings like this lack true knowledge. They may think they are smart or wise, but they are actually missing an understanding of their true selves and the universe around them. This is a serious situation because without this knowledge, they cannot experience life to its fullest or reach a higher level of existence. It’s like being lost in a dark room without a flashlight—no matter how capable you are, you will struggle to find your way without proper guidance.

Moreover, he emphasizes that these individuals are in a pitiable state. Having no awareness of Krishna and his teachings means their hearts are empty, and this lack of understanding keeps them stuck in ignorance. They are missing out on the chance to evolve and lead a fulfilling life. In essence, by ignoring this guidance, they are headed down a path of confusion and limitation, where they might miss opportunities to grow personally and spiritually.

In simple terms, Lord Krishna is reminding us that ignoring wise advice out of jealousy or stubbornness only leads to more suffering and confusion. If we want to avoid this fate, it’s better to embrace knowledge and guidance, rather than reject it.

Other Verses of Chapter 3
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