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Bhagwad Gita (English) | Chapter 3 | Verse 7

Chapter 3, Verse 7


On the other hand, he who controls the senses by the mind and engages his active organs in works of devotion, without attachment, is by far superior.


यस्त्विन्द्रियाणि मनसा नियम्यारभतेऽर्जुन।
कर्मेन्द्रियैः कर्मयोगमसक्तः स विशिष्यते।।3.7।।

yas tvindriyāṇi manasā niyamyārabhate ’rjuna
karmendriyaiḥ karma-yogam asaktaḥ sa viśhiṣhyate

Meaning of each word

yaḥ — who;
tu —
indriyāṇi —
the senses;
manasā —
by the mind;
niyamya —
ārabhate —
arjuna —
karma-indriyaiḥ —
by the working senses;
karma-yogam —
karm yog;
asaktaḥ —
without attachment;
saḥ —
viśhiṣhyate —
are superior


This verse is about the importance of controlling your senses and using your mind to focus on meaningful work, especially work that helps you grow spiritually. It teaches us that if you can manage your desires and not get lost in temporary pleasures, you will be much better off.

Let's break it down: when someone controls their senses, it means they don’t let things like food, entertainment, or other distractions rule their life. Instead, they make conscious choices about how they spend their time and energy.

For example, if you are tempted to binge-watch your favorite show instead of completing a project at work or studying for an exam, the suggestion here is to recognize that urge but choose to focus on your responsibilities instead. By doing your duties with dedication and without getting attached to the outcome—meaning, you don’t only do things for rewards or recognition—you are on the right path.

This is particularly significant when we think about how our society operates. Many people might pretend to be very spiritual, proclaiming their beliefs, while at the same time, they seek pleasure through the senses, like seeking attention or indulging in material comforts. The verse points out that it’s much better to honestly perform your responsibilities (like working your job, caring for your family, or helping your community) while keeping a sense of purpose and dedicating that work to something higher, such as God or a greater good.

Following a spiritual path doesn’t mean you have to give up your daily life entirely. Instead, you can weave spirituality into your everyday tasks. The idea is to carry out your duties well, but do it in a way that reflects your values and beliefs.

For instance, someone can be a teacher, a parent, or a worker and still be spiritually advanced by doing their daily tasks mindfully. They do these tasks with a good heart and without selfish desires.

In contrast, if someone just pretends to be spiritual—like sitting in meditation or chanting but not applying those teachings in real life—they’re missing the point. True spirituality is not just about looking good or appearing wise; it’s about genuinely engaging in your duty, finding joy in the process, and aiming for a higher purpose in life.

So, this verse encourages us all to be sincere in our actions, focus on our responsibilities, and control our desires for a more meaningful and fulfilling life. A person who lives this way is considered better than someone who may act all spiritual but lacks real depth in their daily living.

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