praśhānta-manasaṁ hyenaṁ yoginaṁ sukham uttamam
upaiti śhānta-rajasaṁ brahma-bhūtam akalmaṣham
praśhānta — peaceful;
manasam — mind;
hi — certainly;
enam — this;
yoginam — yogi;
sukham uttamam — the highest bliss;
upaiti — attains;
śhānta-rajasam — whose passions are subdued;
brahma-bhūtam — endowed with God-realization;
akalmaṣham — without sin
In this verse, the focus is on a yogi, which means a person who practices yoga and strives for spiritual growth. When we say that a yogi's mind is "fixed on Me," it refers to being deeply focused on God or a higher power, which in this context is Krishna. This means that the yogi is not distracted by everyday worries or material desires.
The phrase "highest happiness" suggests that this kind of focused mind leads to a joy that is much deeper and more fulfilling than the temporary pleasures we often chase in life, like money or fame. It’s a happiness that comes from connecting with something divine.
The verse also mentions being "liberated" and "freed from sin." This means that when someone truly connects with this higher power and keeps their mind focused on it, they become free from negative or harmful thoughts and actions (which are referred to as sins). Essentially, it’s about living in a way that is not only good for oneself but also for others.
The idea of being "peaceful" and having "quieted passions" touches upon inner calmness. Normally, our desires and emotions can create chaos and make us restless. However, as a yogi trains their mind and spirit through practice and dedication, they can experience a state of tranquility.
Moreover, the mention of being "brahma-bhūtam" indicates a state of realization where one feels connected to the universe and understands a larger perspective of existence. It suggests stepping away from a narrow view that often causes fear and anxiety to a broader view that brings peace and acceptance. This sense of connection can be incredibly liberating.
The interpretation reminds us of how crucial it is to maintain our focus on spiritual practices, and in this case, it emphasizes the importance of surrendering our will to God. It shows that true contentment and strength come from being dedicated to loving service and connection with the divine, rather than just pursuing material or self-centered goals.
In summary, this verse highlights the peace, joy, and liberation that come from dedicating one's heart and mind to the divine. It encourages us to quiet our desires and passions, seek a connection with something greater, and find happiness in that spiritual relationship.