yajña-dāna-tapaḥ-karma na tyājyaṁ kāryam eva tat
yajño dānaṁ tapaśh chaiva pāvanāni manīṣhiṇām
yajña — sacrifice;
dāna — charity;
tapaḥ — penance;
karma — actions;
na — never;
tyājyam — should be abandoned;
kāryam eva — must certainly be performed;
tat — that;
yajñaḥ — sacrifice;
dānam — charity;
tapaḥ — penance;
cha — and;
eva — indeed;
pāvanāni — purifying;
manīṣhiṇām — for the wise
This verse teaches us that there are three important actions in life that we should always do: sacrifice, charity, and penance. These actions help us grow and become better people, no matter who we are.
1. **Sacrifice (Yajña)**: This means doing things for the benefit of others or society, even if it requires us to give up something. For example, think about a wedding ceremony (vivaha-yajna). This ceremony is not just about two people getting married; it’s also about bringing families together and creating a bond that helps the community. It’s a way of showing love, respect, and responsibility, which are all good for our personal development and society.
2. **Charity (Dāna)**: This means giving to those in need. When we give to the right people or causes, it helps clean our hearts and makes us feel good inside. It could be donating money, food, or even time to help someone. The key here is that when you give, you should give sincerely, wanting nothing in return. This mindset of helping others is a way to grow spiritually.
3. **Penance (Tapaḥ)**: This means practicing self-control and discipline. It could involve cutting back on certain pleasures or taking time to meditate and reflect. Doing penance is about strengthening our mind and body. It can be challenging but helps us focus on what is truly important in life.
The verse emphasizes that these three actions should never be abandoned. No matter how far along we think we are in our spiritual journey, we should continue to engage in acts of sacrifice, charity, and penance. They not only benefit us but also help purify the people around us.
Even if someone chooses to live a simple or renounced life (like a sannyasi), it doesn’t mean they should forget about these actions entirely. For instance, while a sannyasi might avoid close relationships, it doesn’t mean that they should discourage others from participating in important community events like weddings. Instead, everyone at different stages of life should embrace these actions, as they contribute to greater peace, joy, and spiritual development.
So, in summary, always strive to perform sacrifices for the welfare of others, engage in charitable acts without expecting anything back, and practice self-discipline to keep your mind and spirit strong. This way, you not only elevate yourself but also make a positive impact on the world around you.