niyatasya tu sannyāsaḥ karmaṇo nopapadyate
mohāt tasya parityāgas tāmasaḥ parikīrtitaḥ
niyatasya — of prescribed duties;
tu — but;
sanyāsaḥ — renunciation;
karmaṇaḥ — actions;
na — never;
upapadyate — to be performed;
mohāt — deluded;
tasya — of that;
parityāgaḥ — renunciation;
tāmasaḥ — in the mode of ignorance;
parikīrtitaḥ — has been declared
This verse is all about recognizing the importance of our responsibilities and doing them properly. In everyday life, we have tasks that we are supposed to do, like going to work, taking care of our family, and fulfilling commitments we have agreed to. These are called prescribed duties. The verse makes it clear that we should not just quit these duties because we feel like it or because we are confused. If someone gives up their responsibilities without a valid reason, it shows a lack of understanding and is considered a sign of ignorance.
The verse encourages us to think about our actions. For instance, if you are a parent, your duty is to provide for your children, help with their education, and support them emotionally. If you just walk away from those responsibilities while claiming you want to be free, it’s seen as foolish.
Moreover, the verse mentions that true renunciation isn’t about abandoning helpful or spiritual tasks. For example: if you want to cook, don't do it just for yourself; instead, do it for a higher purpose, like offering food to God. This act is not only fulfilling your duty as a devotee but also a way of showing respect and love.
Interestingly, people who renounce worldly life don't just stop doing things entirely. They might still perform ceremonies, like officiating a wedding or helping someone with their spiritual growth. This shows that even those who seem to have given up material life still play a role in engaging with the world positively and constructively.
In contrast, if someone ignores these responsibilities and decides to stop doing necessary tasks, it’s a reflection of the 'mode of ignorance.' This means they are moving away from awareness and understanding. It’s basically acting in a way that doesn't consider the impact of their actions, leading to confusion and trouble.
So, the takeaway here is that while it’s good to seek spiritual growth, we shouldn’t use that as an excuse to neglect our essential duties. Instead, we should find ways to fulfill our responsibilities while keeping our spiritual goals in mind. That's the real essence of this teaching.